Stina Inc. conducts critical research and develops tools to help create optimized waste recovery ecosystems, especially for plastics. The team serves as a liaison between industry, government and NGOs to address and work through barriers to a more sustainable management of resources.
2025-03-07 Recycling ecosystem, plastics recycling industry landscape, annual plastic recycling reports, valuing carbon, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, aboutstina
About Stina
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Research & Analysis
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Visualization & Web-Based Tool Development
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About Stina
We aim to harmonize human behavior with the natural world.
Stina provides programs and tools that accelerate the transition to a society that uses resources sustainably. Through a deep understanding of the recycling ecosystem, anchored in a systems approach, we identify and implement solutions through critical research and tool development for the purpose of delivering mechanisms that help others on the journey to harmonize human behavior with the natural world.
We do this through research and analysis, stakeholder engagement & technical assistance, forward-thinking strategy and programs, and visualization and web-based decision support tools.
The companys information management system, relationships and understanding of the plastics recycling industry landscape have made it the trusted organization to deliver the annual plastic recycling reports for the U.S. and Canada for more than 10 years. The team is committed to providing unbiased guidance in navigating the role plastics play in the movement towards circular supply chains, valuing carbon, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. We often serve as a liaison between industry, government and NGOs to address and work through barriers to more sustainable management of resources.
"The potential for innovation through inspiration from nature is as great as the risk we face by ignoring nature's signals. We want to help unlock that innovation."
Nina Butler, Principal & CEO
Meet Our Team
Nina Bellucci Butler
Nina Bellucci Butler
Stacey Luddy
Stacey Luddy
Chad Jodon
Chad Jodon
Tonya Randell
Tonya Randell
Jennifer Hanes
Jennifer Hanes
Jeff Aiken
Jeff Aiken
Carolyn Buckner
Carolyn Buckner
Mayra Castillo
Mayra Castillo
Brooke Mello
Brooke Mello
Dennis Bellucci
Dennis Bellucci
Amy Petley
Amy Petley
We are a remote team who collaborates across multiple time zones.
As a company we strive for work-life balance. We take pride in prioritizing family and our personal lives, as we simultaneously value critical and hard work to contribute to a more sustainable existence of our communities, states, countries and globe.
Eastern Time
Mountain Time
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Pacific Time
Our History
Stina founders Nina Butler and Stacey Luddy got their start at Moore Recycling Associates, Inc. owned by Patty Moore and Doug McDowell. In 2017, they acquired the company assets incorporating their new company Stina Inc. but chose to do business as More Recycling as a nod to their predecessor and work to further plastic recycling. Chad Jodon, who was instrumental in the development of the company's information management platform, became a third principal soon after the transition from Moore to More Recycling. In 2021, the company's principals rebranded to Stina Inc., continuing the work toward their vision of harmony with the natural world. With the environmental and plastic waste challenges facing the global community, they hope to contribute to a sustainable future for children today and generations to come.
Our Logo
The Stina logo showcases the North Star in its center. Inspired by the sacred geometrical symbol of creation, or the Seed of Life, it amplifies harmony within ourselves and between the world around us. Reaching outward, and deriving energy from this inner place of origin, are seven circles. The number itself and the circle design holds universal truths shared across cultures and time. The Stina name illustrates this harmony of balance with the natural world.

Harmonizing Human Behavior with the Natural World

Bonnie Monteleone
Executive Director, Director of Science, Research and Academic Partnerships, Plastic Ocean Project, Inc.
"We as a society have been tangled up in a tug of war between protecting the environment and securing the economy. Today ~ our survival depends on a paradigm shift where our economy includes a fundamental value on natural ecosystems to sustain our existence while bolstering our economy. Non-profits like ours working to protect our most precious resources rely on information from organizations like Stina to help steer this mutual path toward a circular economy."

Bonnie Monteleone
Executive Director, Director of Science, Research and Academic Partnerships, Plastic Ocean Project, Inc.
"We as a society have been tangled up in a tug of war between protecting the environment and securing the economy. Today ~ our survival depends on a paradigm shift where our economy includes a fundamental value on natural ecosystems to sustain our existence while bolstering our economy. Non-profits like ours working to protect our most precious resources rely on information from organizations like Stina to help steer this mutual path toward a circular economy."
Transitioning from a Linear to a Circular Economy
Changes in human behavior coupled with technological innovations are accelerating the shift to circularity. The challenge? Navigating the trade offs of plastic today and tomorrow.
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